A cough is the forcible expulsion of air from the airways to rid them of any obstructions. It is often triggered by excessive fluids in the bronchial passages; but it may also be an attempt to get rid of dust, pollen, and other pollutants in the lungs.
A fit of coughing may have been set off by food or fluid entering the wind-pipe. A regular intermittent cough could be a nervous tic or simply a manifestation of boredom.
coughing of limited duration is associated with a cold, the flu or bronchitis, while chronic coughing usually indicates an underlying condition such as asthma, an allergy, or a lung tumor. A chronic cough is also an inevitable consequence of smoking.
Diagnostic Studies & Procedures:
In general, a doctor should be consulted about a nagging cough if;
-If it is accompanied by chest pains, severe earache, or swollen neck glands.
-It lasts for more than a week.
-It is accompanied by temperature above 102F(39c)
-It produces blood or a thick and yellowish-green sputum.
-It is accompanied by wheezing and a feeling of breathlessness.
In such circumstances, a doctor will ask about other symptoms, smoking and drinking habits, and occupation, and follow up with a physical examination and chest X-Rays.
If a patient doesn't cough spontaneously, the doctor may try to induce a coughing spell. Any sputum will be examined and cultured for bacteria. Additional tests might include lung scans, pulmonary function tests, and bronchoscopy(viewing of bronchial passages through special devices)
Medical Treatments:
Treatment of any cough depends on the underlying condition. Those associated with colds or flu can be managed with self-care. I coughing interferes with sleep, a suppressant containing codeine may be prescribed for nighttime use.
Alternative Therapies:
Aromatherapy: Inhaling the steam from a strong tea made with 1 table-spoon of dried thyme, eucalyptus, chamomile, or peppermint leaves and one cup of boiling water helps to ease congestion.
Ayurveda: For a mucus-producing cough practitioners recommend a tea of 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, a pinch of clove and a pinch of cinnamon powder. To sooth a scratchy throat, they advise a gargle made with a pinch of salt and two pinches of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water.
Herbal Medicines: Eucalyptus, horehound, wild cherry, and licorice are among the many herbal remedies that have been incorporated into a standard cough medicine and lozenges to sooth a sore, scratchy throat.
Naturopathy: An onion-honey mixture is a time honored cough remedy. To prepare it, slice an onion into a deep bowl, cover the slices with honey, let the mixture steep overnight, and then strain-out the onions. Take a tea-spoon of the mixture four times a day.
Relaxation Therapies: Coughing produced by stress or by a nervous tic can eventually be eliminated by practicing yoga breathing exercises and meditation.
Self Treatment:
The only cure for a smoker's cough is to break the tobacco habit. A cough from a mild respiratory infection will disappear a
s the body rids itself of the virus.
A doctor may advise a non-prescription expectorant to thin mucus and make it easier to cough up. Be aware, however, that many cough medicines contain ingredients that may interact with other drugs, especially those prescribed for high blood pressure, heart diseases, and other chronic illnesses.
Other self-help measures include:
-Transform the bathroom into a home steam-room by closing the door, turning on the hot water in the shower, and inhaling the steamy air until the coughing stops.
-Drink plenty of hot liquids during the day and use a vaporizer at night.
-Suck a herbal o zinc lozenges to get rid of the tickle in your throat.
Other Causes Of Coughs:
Coughing is a symptom of allergies, asthma, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, lung cancer, and occupational lung disorders. Cough also occur in croup, laryngitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and tuberculosis.