All about a better healthy life....

All about a better healthy life....

Saturday, December 31, 2011

CANKER SORES (Aphthous stomatitis)

Canker sores are small, painful mouth ulcers that develop most often in the soft fold of tissue where the inner cheeks meet the gums. other common sites include the soft palate, tongue and floor of the mouth.

Their specific cause is unknown, but canker sores are frequently linked to fatigue, stress, poor diet, or debilitated physical condition due to another illness. People with AIDS or certain types of cancer often develop the sores, possibly due to a weakened immune system. In contrast, some researchers believe that the sores are more likely to develop when the body's immune system attacks healthy tissue.

Another possible cause is irritation from overly vigorous brushing of the teeth, eating certain foods, dental fillings that scrape the mouth, and poorly fitted dentures. In women, canker sores often appear just prior to menstruation. Recurring attacks are common, but most canker sores heal within two weeks and leave no scars.

Medical Treatments:
Medical care is not usually necessary unless the condition persists or recurs frequently. In such cases, a mouthwash with tetracycline may be prescribed to relieve pain, especially if a secondly condition persists. in severe cases a doctor may prescribe a steroid medication to be used both as a mouthwash and in tablet form. Other prescription products are anesthetic mouthwashes to make eating more comfortable, and a paste that is applied to the ulcer to relieve pain and promote healing.

Self Treatment:
Most canker sores will clear-up within 7-10 days. In the meantime, to relieve pain, try an over-the-counter anesthetic gel or liquid.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Use this list of questions as a check-list before tarting any medication:

  • What is the name of the drug? (Be sure to ask about both the brand name and the generic name and write them down so you can be certain to remember them.)
  • What exactly is the drug supposed to do?
  • How long will it take for the effects of the drug to become apparent?
  • Should the drug be taken with food or on an empty stomach? Are there any foods I should avoid while taking the drug? Or any foods I should add any drug to my diet?
  • What are the drug's most common side effects? Which are the most serious? What should be done if they appear?
  • How much medication should i take? How often? For how long?
  • Should I abstain from alcohol and cigarette while taking the drug?
  • Is there any expiration date on the medication's label? How should I store the drug? Should I discard any that is left over? If so, how should this be done?
  • What should I do if I miss a schedule dose?
  • Are there any activities to avoid while using this medication? 
  • How much does the drug cost? Is there any equivalent generic form that is less expensive?
  • Is the drug is available in other, perhaps more convenient, forms?
  • What written information is available on this drug and where can it be found?
  • Are there any alternatives to drug therapy for the ailment, such as exercise, nutrition therapy, or alternative treatments?


Aspirin also known as acetylsalicylic acid is a salicylate drug, often used as an analgesic to relieve minor aches and pains, as an antipyretic to reduce fever, and as an anti-inflammatory medication. It was discovered by Arthur Eichengrün, a chemist with the German company Bayer.

Aspirin also has an ANTI-PLATELET EFFECT by inhibiting the production of thromboxane, which under normal circumstances binds platelet molecules together to create a patch over damaged walls of blood vessels. Because the platelet patch can become too large and also block blood flow, locally and downstream, aspirin is also used long-term, at low doses, to help prevent heart attacks, strokes, and blood clot formation in people at high risk of developing blood clots. It has also been established that low doses of aspirin may be given immediately after a heart attack to reduce the risk of another heart attack or of the death of cardiac tissue.

The main UN-DESIRABLE SIDE EFFECTS of aspirin taken by mouth are GASTROINTESTINAL ULCERS, STOMACH BLEEDING, and TINNITUS, especially in higher doses. In children and adolescents, aspirin is no longer indicated to control flu-like symptoms or the symptoms of chickenpox or other viral illnesses, because of the risk of REYE'S SYNDROME.

Aspirin is part of a group of medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but differs from them in the mechanism of action.
Today, aspirin is one of the most widely used medications in the world, with an estimated 40,000 tonnes of it being consumed each year. In countries where Aspirin is a registered trademark owned by Bayer, the generic term is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

Some Famous Aspirin Brands from Pakistan are:


Sunday, December 18, 2011

DEPRESSION (Diagnostic criteria)

The American Psychiatric Association uses the following symptoms to distinguish among the different types of depression.

Major Depressive Episodes:
Five or more of these symptoms must persist most of the time for two weeks:

  1. Overall depressed mood.
  2. Diminished interest in or pleasure from most of the activities.
  3. Significant weight loss or gain.
  4. Insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
  5. Hyperactivity or lethargy.
  6. Persistent fatigue.
  7. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
  8. Inability to concentrate or make decisions.
  9. Recurrent thoughts of suicide or pre-occupation with death.
Manic Episodes:
Three or more of the following must prevail for atleast one week:

  1. Inflated self esteem or grandiosity.
  2. Decreased need of sleep.
  3. Excessive talkativeness.
  4. Racing thoughts and ideas.
  5. Easily distracted.
  6. Hyperactivity, especially in achieving goals, which may be unrealistic.
  7. Excessive pursuit of risky activities, such as sexual indiscretions or gambling.
Dynamic Disorders:
Two or more of the following prevail for at least two years in an adult or one year in a child or adolescent.

  1. Poor appetite or overeating.
  2. Insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
  3. Low energy or fatigue.
  4. Low self esteem.
  5. Poor concentration or difficulty in making decisions.
  6. Feeling of hopelessness. 

CROSSED EYES(Strabismus)

Crossed eyes, or strabismus, involves a misalignment of the eyes. it is one of the most common eye problem in children, but it also occurs in adults.
Strabismus develops when the eye muscles fail to work together or to function in a parallel manner, one eye or both may turn or wander in or out, up or down. The condition can result from neurological problems, a tumor, or an injury but most often it is due to imbalance of the eye muscles.
The deviation may be constant or come and go. Sometimes it is obvious from birth; in other cases it doesn't appear until later in a child or adult. Childhood strabismus is often associated with a "lazy eye" or amblyopia, in which just one eye assumes the task of relaying visual messages to the brain.
A new born baby's eyes tend to wander, but by three or four months, an infant should be able to focus on small objects, and the eyes should be parallel.
By six months, he should be able to focus on both distant and near objects. If crossed eyes or excessive squinting persists past four months, the baby should have an eye examination. Even if their eyes appear normal, all children should have them examined by pediatrician by age six months.

Diagnostic Studies and Procedures:
Even when crossed eyes are apparent, a doctor will perform basic vision tests. Adults and other children will be asked to read numbers or letters on a wall chart, and children who cannot read will be tested with a picture chart. In very young children, the doctor estimates the vision of each eye by observing how it follows a small toy or some other brightly color objects.
Next, the external eye muscles will be tested by examining how each eye moves. The doctor may hold a pencil or a flash light in front of the eyes and ask the patient to focus on the object as it is moved in and out of the visual field. the angle of crossed eyes can be determined with special instruments. Drops are then out in the eyes to dilate the pupils for examination with an ophthalmoscope.
Additional tests may include blood and urine studies, X-Rays, a CT scan, and other imaging studies.

Medical Treatments:
If there is any underlying medical condition, it will be treated first, glasses may also be prescribed to improve the wandering eye's ability to focus, and to redirect the line of sight to synchronize and straighten the eyes.
If amblyopia is present, an eye patch may be placed over the normal eye to force the weak eye to focus. Or, eye drops or ointment may be used to blur the vision in the normal eye.
If these approaches do not work, surgery may be performed to straighten the eye muscles. The type of operation varies according to the underlying causes of problems. In the most common procedure, an eye surgeon makes small incision in the covering of the eye to adjust the tension

Friday, December 16, 2011


Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a group related to the menstrual cycle. It can occur in a week or two weeks before your period. The symptoms usually go away after your period starts. PMS may interfere with your normal activities at home, school or work.

Factors causing PMS:
A magnesium deficiency is associated with depression, pre-menstrual blood sugar instability and low levels of dopamine as well as heightened aldosterone production and fluid retention. Studies have shown that magnesium levels actually fluctuate wildly in PMS sufferers. There is a wealth of scientific evidence backing the use magnesium for treating PMS. The mineral has been found to improve mood swings, irritability, depression, fluid retention as well as aches and pains.Mg is best together taken with calcium and vitamin-D3 for better absorption.

The causes of PMS are not yet clear, some women may be more sensitive than others to changing hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. Stress does not seem to cause PMS, but may make it worse. PMS can affect menstruating women of any age. The common symptoms of PMS are:
  • Breast swelling and tenderness
  • Fatigue and trouble sleeping
  • Upset stomach, bloating, constipation and diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Appetite changes or food carvings
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Tension, Irritability, Mood wings, or crying spells
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Trouble concentrating or remembering
  • Back aches and tiredness
Natural Treatments:
  • Adopt a healthier life style
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get enough sleep
  • Choose healthy foods
  • Don't smoke
  • Avoid excess of salt, sugary foods, caffeine and alcohol especially when you're having PMS
  • Get enough of vitamins and minerals, a calcium supplement with vitamin-D 
  • And find ways to manage stress in your life
Medical Treatments:
  • The EVENING PRIMROSE OIL (Oenothera biennis) is highly regarded for the therapeutic properties of its nutritious oil that is rich in essential fatty acids. it has been found that PMS is linked to an essential fatty acids (EFAs) deficiency. Sufferers of this condition usually have adequate levels of the Omega-6 EFA, namely the linoleic acid (LA) but very low levels of  the Gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA) metabolite, which is important for good health.
Mechanism of Action:
In the body, LA needs to be converted to GLA in order to be fully utilized. However, this conversion is slowed down by many factors such as poor eating habits, ageing, stress, alcohol, high cholesterol, viral infections, saturated and trans fats. The administration of GLA is therefore of value to  provide sufficient amounts of GLA and further metabolites, thus bypassing the conversion process.

The use of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) for treating PMS is well documented. Results from various studies done on Efamol evening Primrose Oil and women with PMS have shown that the oil is effective for improving the symptoms of PMS specially breast tenderness, pain and lumpiness as well as depression.

Choose an Evening Primrose Oil product that is rich in Omega-6 EFA and delivers 12-14% of GLA. A regular intake of EPO can not only ease menstruation problems, but also those relating to acne, atopic aczema, diabetic neuropathy and psoriasis.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Bio-Life Evening Primrose Oil 500mg & 1000mg

One capsule contains:
Evening Primrose Oil:                              500mg/1000mg
equivalent gamma-linolenic acid(GLA):    50mg/100mg
Vitamin-E:                                               7.5iu

GLA is a poly unsaturated fatty acid from the omega-6 (n-6) series.
It is involved in;

  • Modulation of membrane functions.
  • Formation of short lived local regulating molecules prostaglandins (PG) and leukotrienes.
  • Control of water permeability of skin.
  • Regulation of cholesterol transport and cholesterol synthesis.
Vitamin-E (d-alpha tocopherol) acts as a antioxidant, mopping up free radicals created by exposure to oxygen and therefore prevents further oxidation and spoilage of the oil.

Beneficial Uses:

  • For dry skin
  • premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Mastalgia (Breast pain)
  • Viral infection
  • Hyperactivity in children
  • Atopic aczema
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • For menopausal women as estrogen substituent along with other medicines.
  • Elderly people and those who are exposed to long term stress, poor diet and with high alcohol consumption due to the decline in the ability to convert linoleic acid to GLA.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Percentage of daily Calories                                                                      Sources
55-60%                                                                                                   Carbohydrates
12-15%                                                                                                        Proteins
Less than 30%                                                                                               Total fat
No-more than 10%                                                                                     Saturated fats
Dietary cholesterol limit                                                                                  300mg/day
Dietary sodium limit                                                                            3gm/day(about 1.5 teaspoons of salt)


The presence of any of these signs and symptoms demand extra caution:

Head Injury:
-A depression in the skull, or a cut or bruise in the scalp.
-Bleeding or clear discharge from the nose or ears.
-Bleeding from the mouth.
-Pupils of different sizes.
-Speech or vision disturbances.
-Altered nervous state, such as drowsiness, nervousness or unconsciousness.
-Muscle twitching
-Altered pulse rate (more than 80beats/min or less than 60beats/min)
-Unusual pallor or reddish skin tone.

Neck & Back Injury:
-Head resting in an abnormal position.
-Stiff neck
-Tingling sensations in the hands and feet
-Loss of feeling.
-Paralysis of arms, legs or other parts of body
-Loss of bladder control


A cough is the forcible expulsion of air from the airways to rid them of any obstructions. It is often triggered by excessive fluids in the bronchial passages; but it may also be an attempt to get rid of dust, pollen, and other pollutants in the lungs.
A fit of coughing may have been set off by food or fluid entering the wind-pipe. A regular intermittent cough could be a nervous tic or simply a manifestation of boredom.
coughing of limited duration is associated with a cold, the flu or bronchitis, while chronic coughing usually indicates an underlying condition such as asthma, an allergy, or a lung tumor. A chronic cough is also an inevitable consequence of smoking.

Diagnostic Studies & Procedures:
In general, a doctor should be consulted about a nagging cough if;

-If it is accompanied by chest pains, severe earache, or swollen neck glands.
-It lasts for more than a week.
-It is accompanied by temperature above 102F(39c)
-It produces blood or a thick and yellowish-green sputum.
-It is accompanied by wheezing and a feeling of breathlessness.

In such circumstances, a doctor will ask about other symptoms, smoking and drinking habits, and occupation, and follow up with a physical examination and chest X-Rays.
If a patient doesn't cough spontaneously, the doctor may try to induce a coughing spell. Any sputum will be examined and cultured for bacteria. Additional tests might include lung scans, pulmonary function tests, and bronchoscopy(viewing of bronchial passages through special devices)

Medical Treatments:
Treatment of any cough depends on the underlying condition. Those associated with colds or flu can be managed with self-care. I coughing interferes with sleep, a suppressant containing codeine may be prescribed for nighttime use.

Alternative Therapies:
Aromatherapy: Inhaling the steam from a strong tea made with 1 table-spoon of dried thyme, eucalyptus, chamomile, or peppermint leaves and one cup of boiling water helps to ease congestion.

Ayurveda: For a mucus-producing cough practitioners recommend a tea of 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder, a pinch of clove and a pinch of cinnamon powder. To sooth a scratchy throat, they advise a gargle made with a pinch of salt and two pinches of turmeric powder in a glass of warm water.

Herbal Medicines: Eucalyptus, horehound, wild cherry, and licorice are among the many herbal remedies that have been incorporated into a standard cough medicine and lozenges to sooth a sore, scratchy throat.

Naturopathy: An onion-honey mixture is a time honored cough remedy. To prepare it, slice an onion into a deep bowl, cover the slices with honey, let the mixture steep overnight, and then strain-out the onions. Take a tea-spoon of the mixture four times a day.

Relaxation Therapies: Coughing produced by stress or by a nervous tic can eventually be eliminated by practicing yoga breathing exercises and meditation.

Self Treatment:
The only cure for a smoker's cough is to break the tobacco habit. A cough from a mild respiratory infection will disappear as the body rids itself of the virus.
A doctor may advise a non-prescription expectorant to thin mucus and make it easier to cough up. Be aware, however, that many cough medicines contain ingredients that may interact with other drugs, especially those prescribed for high blood pressure, heart diseases, and other chronic illnesses.

Other self-help measures include:
-Transform the bathroom into a home steam-room by closing the door, turning on the hot water in the shower, and inhaling the steamy air until the coughing stops.

-Drink plenty of hot liquids during the day and use a vaporizer at night.

-Suck a herbal o zinc lozenges to get rid of the tickle in your throat.

Other Causes Of Coughs:
Coughing is a symptom of allergies, asthma, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, lung cancer, and occupational lung disorders. Cough also occur in croup, laryngitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, and tuberculosis. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Arrange the following items in a tool box or divided make-up kit.

-Adhesive strip bandages
-Analgesic tablets such as, Aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen (add liquid acetaminophen for children)
-Angle-edged tweezers to pluck-out glass and splinters.
-Antibiotic ointment for minor cuts.
-Antihistamine cream for insect bites and itching.
-Antiseptics such as isopropyl alcohol, betadine or antiseptic towelettes to clean disinfectant wounds.
-Calamine lotion.
-Cotton tip applicators and cotton balls.
-Disposable latex gloves.
-Elastic bandages for sprains.

-A firm piece of plastic, such as an expired credit card, to scrape away a stringer after a bee sting.
-Flash light and batteries.
-Fragrance-free soap.
-Instant ice compress.
-Ipecac syrup and activated charcoal for poisoning incidents.
-Oral thermometer
-Sterile four-inches gauze pads, long gauze roll.
-Telephone numbers for the family's primary-care physician, emergency medical service, fire department, and poison control center.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

CAVITIES (Dental caries)

A cavity is an area of decay in a tooth, resulting from the interaction between oral bacteria and sugar and other carbohydrates in the mouth. In the course of metabolising the sugars (and straches transformed into sugar by saliva), the bacteria create an acid that becomes part of a sticky substance known as dental plaque.
Plaque clings to the tooth and begins to erode the enamel, producing holes, or cavities. Tooth enamel is the strongest material in the body, but it does not renew itself. As bacteria and the acids they form further penetrate the damaged tooth surface, a cavity enlarges to the point where it invades the dentin (the bony material inside a tooth)

During a routine checkup, a dentist examines each tooth with an angled mirror and mental probe to make sure that surfaces are intact. Where doubt exists, an X-Ray may be taken. In addition, a complete set of dental X-Rays is routinely taken every three or four years to detect any hidden problems.

If the work is expected to be extensive and painfull, the dentist gives the patient the option of having an anesthesia such as Novocain injected into the gum. To prepare a tooth of filling, the dentist cleans out the cavity with a high-speed water cooled drill, sterilizes the interior, abd dries it.
A filling that matches a tooth is then chosen from a wide range of long lasting compunds. Unless these are unexpected complications, a simple cavity can be filled in one visit.
If the cavity has extended to the dentin, the area may be injected with a calcium phosphate solution to stimulate new dentin growth. A temporary filling will be placed in the cavity, then later removed and replaced with a permanant filling.
When the cavity has reached into the pulp of the tooth, the person may be reffered to a specialist, and endodontist, for root canal work. This procedure kills the nerve, eliminating pain and usually saving the tooth which can then be cleaned out and filled as usual.
If only the base of the tooth remains after extensive decay or root canal work, the dentist fills the socket of the tooth with cement and covers it with a crown. This usually takes three or four sessions because it involves laboratory work and precision fitting.

Herbal Medicines:
The compounds in green tea are reported to kill the bacteria responsible for causing tooth decay. The same compounds occur in sage, coriander and thyme.
A traditional temporary remedy for a toothache has been oil of cloves, but this is not recommended today because it can damage delicate gum tissue.

Nutrition Therapy:
A diet that provides adequate calcium and other minerals is essential to building strong teeth. For this purpose, babies and young children may also be given fluoride drops with their food, especially if the local water doesn't contain added fluoride. Reducing sugar intake, especially sticky sweets that adhere to the teeth, helps to prevent cavities.

Relaxation Techniques:
Hypnosis, biofeedback, and similar techniques can help people to overcome a fear of dentists. Hypnosis is also used as an alternative for patients who cannot tolerate Novocain and other anesthetics.


Any of the following warrant a prompt doctor's evaluation.

-A lump that persists throughout the menstral cycle.
-Any change in breast shape, symmetry or contour.
-Persistent pain or tenderness.
-Thickening or hardness of the breast tissue in one region.
-Redness, pitting, dimpling, or inflammation of the skin.
-Clear or bloody nipple discharge.
-Nipple retraction or indentation.


1: Admit we're powerless
2: Come to beleive that a power greater than overselves can restore us to sanity.
3: Make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of GOD as we understand HIM.
4: Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5: Admit to GOD, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6: Become entirely ready to have GOD remove all this defect of characters.
7: Humbly ask HIM to remove our short-comings.
8: Make a list of all persons we have harmed and become willing to make amends to them all.
9: Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injured them or others.
10: Continue to take personal inventory and when are wrong, admit it.
11: Seek through prayer and meditation to improve our concsious contact with GOD as we understand HIM.
12: Having a spirtual awakening as the result of these steps, and trying to carry this message to others and practicing these principles in all our affairs. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011


(Crystal arthritis)
With gout, a type of arthritis, tiny mineral, or urate, crystals collect in certain joints, causing an intense inflammatory reaction. The crystals are composed of uric acid, a metabolic waste product normally excreted in the urine.

In people with a hereditary metabolic defect, uric acid builds up in the blood and other body fluids. Most people with this condition, called hyper-uricemia, dont develop gout, but those who do experience recurring attacks in the affected joints and may also suffer kidney stones.

Friday, August 12, 2011



Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin, whites of eyes and mucous membranes. This discoloration results from a build-up in the blood of bilirubin (a pigment produced when the haemoglobin in worn-out red blood cells is broken down so that its iron can be recycled to make new blood cells.
Normally, the liver metabolizes and converts bilirubin into substances that are transported with bile into the intestinal tract to be eliminated. These by-products give feces its brown color.
Thus, jaundice is typically accompanied by light stools (lack of bilirubin) and dark urine, resulting from the kidneys' attempt to eliminate excess bilirubin from the body.

Various conditions can cause the bulidup of bilirubin and different types of jaundice, including the following:

Haemolytic Jaundice:
develops when an unusually large number of red blood cells are destroyed at the same time and the liver is unable to metabolize all of the resulting bilirubin.

Obstructive Jaundice:
or cholestasis, occurs when the bile ducts to the intestine are blocked, causing the bilirubin to be reabsorbed into the blood stream.

Hepatic Jaundice:
is caused by hepatitis and other disorders that not only reduce the liver's ability to process bilirubin, but also produce inflammation, which blocks bile channel and prevents the exit of bile that is processed.

Neonatal Jaundice:
often develops in the first few days of life because of the liver's immaturity. About half of all newborns develop this type of jaundice. It usually clears up by the time a baby is 7 to 10 days old but may linger in premature infants. Mild jaundice is not serious, but very high bilirubin levels may require treatment.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Being overweight is the most prevalent nutrition-related health problem in the whole world, affecting about half of all adults.

Being going into large and lengthy details of getting obese, continue to treatments and knowing about ideal weight.

You can use this formula to determine your ideal weight:

Allow 100 pounds for the first 5feet of height and 5 pounds per inch over 5feet. Thus, if you are 5.6":
add 5 to 10 pounds if you're large boned and/or very muscular.

Allow 106pounds for the first five feet of height, and 6pounds per inch over 5feet. Thus, if you're 5.10":

Add 10 to 15 pounds if you're large boned and/or very muscular.

Many weight specialists now consider obesity a chronic disease that calls for lifelong treatment with a combination of lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and perhaps drugs. Indeed, some doctors say that treating obesity without drugs will someday be viewed as archaic, like telling a person to control hypertension simply by cutting down on salt and staying in bed.

Mild Obesity----when weight is 20 to 40% above what is considered ideal----usually can be self-treated, perhaps with the assistance of nutrition and exercise.

Moderate Obesity, defined as weight 40 to 100% above ideal is likely to require treatment with a medication to suppress appetite, a diet planned by a dietician or nutritionist, and possibly behaviour modification, assisted by a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Several obesity of more than 100% above ideal may require surgical treatment in addition to drugs, diet and behaviour modification.

*The major function of diet pills is to suppress appetite and, in some cases, to reduce cravings for certain high-calorie foods.

*most diet pills have similar side effects, which may include nervousness, high blood pressure, palpitations, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, mood swings, tremor, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, itching, and rashes.

*It is necessary to abstain from alcohol while taking any type of diet pill and restrict caffeine. Also these drugs cannot be prescribed for more than 12 consecutive weeks because they're classified as potentially addictive. Diet pills include the followings:
-Stimulants such as dextroamphetamines

Many of the alternative therapies promoted for weight loss either do not work or are potentially dangerous.

one of the working remedy to treat obesity i have seen in many patients is,

-Totally end up with your Carbohydrates and Fats. Totally means totally. Stop eating floor (wheat, corn, maize etc) and rice.

-use only curries to eat with spoon. Eat boiled chicken/vegetables with salt and pepper.

-eat much of salads and fruits. Cucumber is best food when ever you feel carving to eat.

-take atleast 12glass of fresh water daily what ever the weather may be. Drink much in day and very less in night timmings.

-start to walk for atleast 1hr 2wice in a 24hrs.

-make breakfast and lunch your main meals, and end the day with a light dinner

-reduce intake of high fat foods like cheese, cream, mayonnaise, luncheon meats, butter, icecream, nuts, pies and anything that is fried.

Before undertaking any significant changes in your eating or exercise habits, consult your doctor if you;

-Have any chronic health problem, such as diabetes, gallstones, glaucoma, depression, or heart, kidney, liver or thyroid disease.
-Are taking any sort of medication on a regular basis.
-Want to lose more than 15 pounds.
-Are under age 21 or over age 35.
-Are pregnant.

Your goal should be to lose two or three pounds a week, and then to maintain the loss. This means bringing about a permanent change in your eating and exercise habbits.

If you're healthy adult, use this formula to calculate how many calories you need per day:

Basic Needs: 10 calories per pound of body weight

Normal Activities: 3 calories per pound of body weight plus extra calories used for exercise

Adjustment of Age: Subtract 2% of total calories for each decade after age 30.

Example: If you are 55yrs old man who weighs 160 pounds and walks 3miles a day:

Basic needs: 10x160= 1600
Normal Activities: 03x150= 450
3-Miles walk: 03x100= 300
Age Adjustment 0.06x2250= -135
Total calories per day = 2215

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Following are some of the many medical and psychological conditions caused or worsened by stress:
-Heart diseases.
-Backache and other pain syndromes.
-Chronic fatigue syndrome.
-Eating disorders.
-Headaches, both migraine and tension.
-High blood pressure.
-Irritable bowl syndrome and other intestinal disorders.
-Lupus and other autoimmune disorders.
-Menstrual irregularities.
-Rheumatoid arthritis.
-Sexual dysfunction.


(Contusion; hematoma)
A bruise develops when blood escapes from damaged blood vessels into the surrounding tissue under the skin, usually as the result of a blow directly to the injured area. The expectaion is a black eye, which may result from a hit at the temple or forehead, as well as on the eye itself.
This happens because the blood follows a gravitational path. Bruised tissues under and around the eye are likely to swell, in some cases causing the eye to shut.
Although the skin over a bruise remains unbroken, it quickly becomes discolored, turning reddish initially, then black and blue or purple, and finally yellow or pale green, as damaged blood cells die and are reabsorbed into the blood stream.

The extent of a bruise is self-limiting, because nearby undamaged vessels contract and restrict any further blood flow to that area. Meanwhile, blood platelets collect and activate the clotting mechanism that closes off the break. Unless more serious injuries are present, most bruises will heal themselves in a week to 10 days.

there are no medical treatment for bruises as such, simple bruises are self healing. Other treatments are intake of Aspirin as it act as painkiller as well as known to disrupt the blood clotting mechanism.

Application of poultice made from the leaves of comfrey steeped in boiling water. This mixture should be cooled and applied between gauze layers to the bruises area. Key ingredient is Allantoin.
Others are, tincture of Arnica etc.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Is a system of treatment based on the belief that the foundation of good health is the unhampered flow of nerve impulses that originate in the brain and spinal cord and then travel to all parts of the body.
Therapy begins with analyzing the patient's spinal column for abnormal alignments of the vertebrae. When such misalignments, called subluxations, are located, they are corrected by manipulation to restore the normal flow of nerve impulses.
Many chiropractors also make recommendations about nutrition and exercise, but they don't prescribe drugs or do surgery.


Aromatherapy is the use of oils from herbs and other aromatic plants to achieve relaxation or relief from a disorder.
Depending upon the plant, the aromatic, or essential, oil is extracted from the leaves, flowers. Roots, seeds, fruit, bark, or resin and then diluted with water or an unscented oil, such as jojoba. These solutions may be massaged into skin, inhaled from steam, added to bath water, or used in a compress.

Modern aromatherapy was born in the 1920s, when a French chemist, Dr. Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, burned his hand while working in a perfume laboratory. He plunjed the injured hand into a container of lavender oil and was amazed by its speedy healing with minimal scarring. He then began to research the healing properties of other aromatic oils.
Aromatherapy is used by trained therapists who often practice other alternative therapies such as massage. some of the methods can be self made, self taught and used at home.

Practitioner treat a range of medical and emotional problems, including headaches, premenstral tension, muscle pain, skin disorders, fatigue, insomnia, and stress.

There are two basic mechanisms involved:
1: The sense of smell &
2: The absorptive quality of skin

Practitioners contend that inhalation of a certain scent prompts the brain to release neurochemicals that counter stress and fatigue. They also believe that some oils exert medicinal effects when absorbed by skin. Medical benefits of aromatherapy have not been proven, however, and doctors generally discount any therapy benefits other than a placebo effect and relaxation.

Aromatherapy combines massage and the use of aromatic oils. A session varies according to the problem being treated. the entire body is massaged to relieve stress and general achiness. A facial massage is used to treat headaches and sinus congestion. Whereas the back may be massaged to alleviate backache or menstral cramps.
In addition to massage, an aromatherapist may recommend soaking in a tub of warm water containing a few drops of one or more aromatic oils. Depending upon the oils used, this may induce drowsiness or provide an invigorating lift.


(Acute and chronic lymphocytic and myelogenous leukemias)
Leukemia, a term used to describe several types of blood cancer, comes from the Greek words for "white blood"
The name refers to the whitish/pale-pink blood leukemia patients have because of high numbers of abnormal white cells(leukocytes). Although leukemia affects all types of blood cells, as well as bone marrow and other blood-producing structures, the white cells, or lymphocytes are involved the most.
The types of leukemia are broadly classified as follows:

Acute Lymphocytic or Lymphoblastic:
causes a rapid increase in abnormal lymph cells. It occurs most commonly in children.

Chronic Lymphocytic:
entails a slow increase in abnormal lymphocytes and generally affects older people.

Acute Myelogenous:
progresses rapidly and involves increased numbers of abnormal myelocytes, or granulocytes, the white cells that fight bacteria. It is rare in children and becomes incresingly common with advancing age.

Chronic Myelogenous:
progresses slowly at first and most frequently strikes middle-aged people.

*Leukemia is further classified according to cell size, rate of proliferation, and such characteristics as the appearance and immunologic features of the proliferating cells.
*Acute leukemia are the most serious; they appear abruptly and worsen rapidly.

Common symptoms include, easy bruising and bleeding, fatigue, pallor, weakness, fever, shortness of breath, joint pain, and abdominal swelling and tenderness.
*Chronic leukemia may be present for years without producing noticeable symptoms.

Acute leukemias are usually treated with intensive chemotherapy, using various combinations of anti-cancer drugs. Radiation treatment is often used also. It is sometimes directed at the brain to eliminate any leukemia cells that may elude anticancer drugs, which ordinarily do not cross the protective blood-brain-barrier (BBB). Even after a remission has been achieved, chemotherapy, using lower doses of anti-cancer drugs, is continued to help prevent a recurrence.

Transfusion of RBCs, platelets and sometimes WBCs may be part of treatment.

For a growing number, bone-marrow transplants, preferably after the first or second remission.

practioners recommend pressing a point on the underside of the wrist to counter nausea.
Alternatively you can wear acupressure bracelet, such as that promoted for preventing motion sickness

Herbal Medication:
Madagascar periwinkle is the source of Vinblastine and Vincristine. Others are,
periwinkle extract
ginger, ginseng, sarsaparilla, and wild Oregon grape can reduce nausea.
Garlic pills are recommended to bolster the body's immune system.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


(Bronchial asthma, reversible hyperreactive lung disease)

Asthma is a chronic disease in which the air passages, or bronchi, overact to normally harmless substances/circumstances.
When these triggering factors enter the bronchi, the airways constrict to hinder the flow of air in and out of the lungs.
Very soon, the bronchi becomes inflamed, and the membranes lining them secrete a sticky mucus. The result is wheezing, coughing and difficulty in breathing. A severe atttack can be life threatening.

Asthma triggers vary from person to person; some of the most common are allergens such as pollen, animal dander, and house dust; irritants such as air pollution, tobacco smoke, perfumes and chemicals; aspirin and related medications; anxiety and stress; and vigorous exercise.

Doctors approach asthma treatment with two major goals,
-to prevent attacks &
-to reverse any flare-up as quickly as possible.
Medications used in the treatment of Asthma are;

Beta 2 Agonists.
Cromolyn Sodium.
Leukotriene Inhibitors


Biofeedback, Hypnosis, and Visualization:
these techniques, help asthmatics gain a measure of control over breathing and other normally involuntary functions. When practiced during the early, or prodome, stages of an attack, they may even abort it.

Practioners recommend a number of substances, including,
Arsenicum album.

if a flare-up doesn't improve within a few minutes, however, a conventional drug should be used.

swimming is one of the best exercise for Asthma because it improves endurance and increases lung capacity in an environment free of dust and other astha triggers. Taking a hot shower or relaxing in a warm tub of water are also beneficial; the warmth eases tensions and the moist air helps clear the lungs of mucus.

this provide an excellent means of countering stress. Massage combined with postural drainage-----a precussive tapping of the back while the head is lower than the chest----clear mucus from the lungs.

Medication and Yoga:
these and other relaxation therapies are useful in over-coming the stress that often precipitates an asthma flare-up. They can also lessen the stress and panicky feeling that can exacerbate an attack.

Nutrition Therapy:
many foods and food additives, especially sulfites, will trigger asthma in susceptible people. A nutrition therapist can help identify such foods, and structure a balanced diet. Some suppliments, especially beta carotene, vitamin C and E, and magnesium, are touted as being beneficial for Asthma sufferers, but they should not be taken without the guidance of a doctor/nutritionist.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


-A tingling sensation in the mouth, the fingers, or other parts of the body.
-A cold clammy feeling.
-A buzzing in the ears.
-Excessive sweating.
-A feeling of weakness or faintness.
-Abdominal pain.
-Irritability and a change in mood.
-Impared vision.
-Rapid heartbeat and trembling.
-Sudden drowsiness.
-Sudden awakening from sleep, especially if it is accompanied by any of the above sumptoms.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


(Diabetes; sugar)
(Type 1 and Type 2)
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease in which the body either doesn't produce or doesn't fully utilize insulin. As a result, it cannot properly metabolize carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent, protein and fat. Glucose (sugar) builds up in the blood; to rid the body of the excess, the kidneys begin to excrete it in the urine.
The body begins to breakdown fat and protein in an attempt to provide an alternate source of fuel, resulting in serious biochemical imbalances.

There are two major forms:
-Type 1
-Type 2

Type 1: in which the body stops making insulin completely. It is also called as, insulin-dependent or Juvenile diabetes, usually develops during the first 20 years of life when islet cells (cells of pancreas which produce insulin) in the pancreas are destroyed and can no longer make insulin.

Type 2: in which the body produces inadequate insulin or is unable to use it fully. It is also called as, non-insulin dependent or Adult-onset diabetes.

There is no cure for either type of diabetes, but the disease can be controlled with a combination of therapies, regular intake of insulin (for Type1), special diet and exercise.
Diabetes can be controlled by taking oral hypoglycemics to increase insulin production and its effectiveness. These drugs include,

Chlopropamide, Glipizide, Glyburide, Tolbutamide and Tolazamide.

A new Type 2 diabetes drug, Acarbose, works by delaying the digestion of carbohydrates, resulting in a slower rise in blood glucose.

Alternative therapies are helpful as adjuncts to medical treatment.

Exercise Conditioning:
This improves the body's ability to use insulin. Type1 pateints who exercise regularly can usually lower their insulin dosage, and type2 patients can often eliminate the need for oral hypoglycemics. Exercise also improves circulation, and may help prevent leg and foot problems

Practitioners may prescribe phosphorous to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
*one new herb named "Paneer Booti" is found to be very effective in diabetic therapy.

Meditation, Self-Hypnosis and Yoga:
These and other relaxation techniques can help lower the levels of stress that may elevate blood glucose.

Nutrition Therapy:
The basic diabetic diet is described under self-treatment. In addition, many dietitians urge eating beans regularly, as they can help blunt the post meal rise in glucose levels.

Self Treatment:
All patients must learn to rest their blood sugar levels at home and adjust their food exercise medication regimens on a daily basis.
Patients should assume this responsibility for young children; by age 9 or 10, most youngsters can use a self monitoring device.
People with diabetes, need emotional support and continual education to accept responsibility for their own care.

a diabetic diet is similar to the healthful diets now recommended . Obtain most of your calories from complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables, legumes, fruits and whole grains, and rely less on animal foods for protein. Avoid refined sugars and restrict fat and cholestrol intake to help reduce the risk of heart disease.

When diabetes is first diagnosed, you should consult with a registered dietian to develop meal plans compatible with your tastes and lifestyles, and learn to follow the exchange lists developed by Diabetes association or chart provided by your doctor.
These lists provide simple formulas to assure that you get an appropriate number of calories and other nutrients eachday. Eventually, you'll not need to rely as heavily on them. Infact with careful self-testing, you can learn to increase or decrease your insulin dosage to accomodate an occasional departure from your usual diet.

People with diabetes often have poor circulation and are susceptible to skin ulcers, especially on the legs and feet. Fit shoes carefully to avoid corns and other foot problems that can develop into serious infection. Also keep toe nails trimmed.
Carry in your wallet identification indicating that you have diabetes so that you can receive prompt medical care if you're in an accident or have a high/low blood sugar reaction. Also be alert for signs of an insulin overdose and carry a source of sugar to use if one occurs

Other causes of high blood sugar:

certain medications can raise blood sugar. So too can diseases affecting the pancreas.
Pregnant women sometimes develop gestational diabetes, which can be detected with a blood glucose test.


Overexposure to the sun is by far the leading cause of skin damage, with consequences ranging from mild sunburn to premature aging and even skin cancer.

Most sunburns are classified as,
-First degree
-Second degree &
-Third degree

first degree are limited to the epidermis, second degree extends to the dermis and third degree will damage both layers of skin, underlying nerves and subcutaneous tissue, are rare.
They occur manly in babies and newly born. Damage depends upon intesity of ultra violet rays.

UV radiation has two components:
-The shorter UVB rays, which are responsible for most burns &
-Longer UVA rays, which are involved more in sun-tanning
both causes skin damage as well as promote skin cancer

over exposure to UV rays also encourages actinic keratoses; these are scaly lesions that may be pre-cancerous.

The tanning process is the body's way of protecting the skin from the sun's damage. Pigment producing cells send an increasing amount of melanin to the skin's surface to block the harmful incoming rays. Thus fair-skinned, blue eyed people who do not readily tan are the most vulnerable to sunburn.
Those with dark skin are also susceptible, but their heavier layer of melanin helps protect them against sunburn.

Friday, July 8, 2011


(Infantile autism; pervasive developmental disorder)
Autism is a complex syndrome of childhood in which intellectual growth is uneven and social development is impaired. Common characteristics include unresponsiveness, inability to speak or communicate and understand, refusal to seek or accept physical comforting, and an unusual insistence upon routines, e.g, autistic children often make repetitive body movements, and even the most trivial change in their physical environment or routine can provoke rage or extreme anxiety.
Some austistic children mimic sounds or develop intelligible speech patterns, and some are mute.
About 20 to 40% have seizures.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Following are some of the many medical and psycological conditions caused or worsened by stress...

-Angina and other forms of heart diseases
-Asthma and allergies
-Backache and other pain syndromes
-Chronic fatigue syndrome
-Eating disorders
-Headaches, both migraine and tension
-High blood pressure
-Irritable bowel syndrome and other intestinal disorders
-Lupus and other autoimmune disorders
-Menstral irregularities
-Rheumatoid arthritis
-Sexual dysfunction

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


A hernia develops when an organ or tissue pushes through a weakness in supporting muscles, encroaching on other organs or body structures. There are dozens of different hernias, but those involving the small intestine are the most common.
These include,
Femoral and Inguinal

Even if a hernia is not producing significant symptoms, doctor generally recommend surgical repair to avoid its enlargement and serious complications. The exception is an umbilical hernia, which almost always disappears on its own by the age of four.
Hernia surgery involves removing the hernia's sac and repairing and strengthening the weakened muscle wall. In certain cases, the muscle ll be knit together with permananat nonabsorbable stiches. Some hernia surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis; sometimes, however, a short hospital stay is necessary..

Physical Therapy:
Once recovery from surgery is complete, a physical therapist or sports medicine specialist can design an exercise routine to strengthen abdominal muscles, which ll help prevent recurrence. These practitioners also teach posture and avoid straining the abdominal and back muscles.


Baldness involves the complete or partial loss of hair, usually from scalp, but sometimes other places as well. Normally, we shed 50 to 100 hairs per day as a part of natural growth, resting and renewal process. When a hair is in the resting stage, it loosens gradually from it's root and is shed. A few months later, a new hair begins to grow in its place.
With aging, it is normal for hair to thin in women and men. But many men experience more extensive hair loss due to hereditary condition called male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, which can occur anytime after the teen years. Typically, it begins with a slow thinning of hair


Drug Therapy:
Hair loss due to male pattern baldness may be treated with MINOXIDIL, A reformulation of a blood pressure medication that causes excessive growth of a scalp, and body hair in side effect. It is now prescribed as a topical lotion which is applied daily on scalp.
It takes several months to show the results, and only about 1/3 of men experience significant hair re-growth. The new hair ll be finer and thinner than normal, and the drug must be used continously to show great results.
Alopecia areata can sometimes be halted by applying a topical STEROID or injecting it into the scalp to lower the immune system attack on hair follicles.

Two procedures are now available. The oldest is HAIR TRANSPLANTATION, in which small circles, or plugs, of skin containing healthy hair follicles are transplanted from the back and sides of the head to the balding site. If plugs take, they continue to grow hair. Surgery is usually done in stages, but sometimes entire strips of skin with hair can be moved.
The second approach is scalp reduction, in which a surgeon removes an oval-shaped piece of scalp from the top of the head, then pulls the part of the scalp that still contains hair upward to fill in the missing piece.

Balding process can be treated by rubbing an onion juice on the scalp and then exposing it under sun.

Never brush your wet hair
comb gently by using a large tooth comb
always use a mild shampoo
use warm water, never hot
rinse with cool water
avoid gels, sprays
avoid perming, blow dry, colouring

diseases that often produce hair loss include lupus, thyroid insufficiency, and scleroderma, a hardening of the skin.
A high fever, radiation exposure, and certain drugs, especially cancer chemotherapy, also produce hair loss.


X-Ray and other forms of ionizing radiations are especially harmful to a developing fetus; they can cause severe birth defects or even fetal death. Any women who is pregnant, or who may be pregnant without knowing it, shouldn't be X-Rayed. If an X-Ray is absolutely necessary, a protective lead shield should be used to cover the fetus. Even before conception, radiation can cause birth defects by damaging the father's sperms or the mother's eggs. With time, a man's ability to produce a healthy sperm usually returns. But a women doesn't make new eggs; she is born with her lifetime supply. Fortunately, surgical techniques now allow the ovaries to be moved out of the field of exposure during radiation therapy, and later returned to their normal position.

Monday, July 4, 2011


DANDRUFF (Pityriasis simplex):
is a form of seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammatory condition in which dead scalp cells flake off, leaving telltale signs on the shoulder and clothing. More severe cases also effect the skin around the nose, behind the ears, or in the armpits or delicate areas.
The flaking is thought to be caused by scalp cells that are aging too rapidly. Normally, dead skin cells are shed from the scalp during routine hair care. But when the normal growth pattern is altered, and excessive dead cells reach the scalp's surface simultaneously, they stick together n fall off in flakes. However, some researchers dispute this view and argue that a yeast called PITYROSPORUM OVALE is responsible. Whatever the cause, dandruff doesn't lead to permanant hair loss/baldness.


Ordinary dandruff doesn't need medical treatment, but severe cases may require a medicated shampo (selsun blue by Abbott)
other therapies are,

Practitionets recommend bathing the effected areas three times a week with a 2% essence of Geranium in a distilled water base. Another remedy calls for massaging a 10% sage essence in an olive oil base into the effected areas, then waiting 2hrs before washing out the mixture. This procedure should be followed twice a week.

Herbal Medicines:
Aloe vera has skin softening properties that can help alleviate dandruff. It is most effective when a freshly cut leaf is rubbed directly onto the affected area. Applying Eucalyptus oil to the scalp is advocated by some herbalists.

Although this therapy cannot cure dandruff, its a time honored method for reducing the stress that may be an underlying cause. Reflexology, or foot massage, is alsi said to be effective.

Relaxation Therapies:
All forms of medication, including yoga, may help relieve a dandruff condition that is related to excessive stress. An increase in exercise may have a similar effect.

Self Treatment:
-If your hair is oily, treat dandruff by brushing thoroughly and then washing with a shampoo for oily hair. Follow this with a dandruff shampoo that contains sulfur, such as Sebulex, Sebutone or Selsun Blue to remove dead scalp cells and reduce the output of oil glands.
Next, apply a lemon rinse,
[METHOD: made with the strained juice of one lemon in a cup of warm water]
pour this on, work it through the scalp, n rinse with cool water. Do not use a conditioner, which may actually compound the oil problem.
Treat ur hair with this program twice a week until the condition is under control. If you shampoo more frequently, use a standard shampoo for oily hair followed by lemon rinse. Blow dry using a cool or warm setting, but avoid letting the hair dry naturally, because lying against the scalp allows wet hair to pick-up oil more quickly. If possible, avoid hair spray as it is a magnet for dirt and oil.

-While using an iron straightner, dryer or conditioner, always avoid reaching roots.

-Treat dry hair and dandruff first with a through brushing, then spread about 1/4 cup of hand and body lotion on the hair and work it into the scalp. Wrap the head with towel that has been soaked in very hot water and wrung out, and leave it in place about 20min. Next, wash the hair with mild dandruff shampoo, such as head & shoulder, clear or Zincon, that contains zinc pyrithione.

-If a dandruff persist then try a coal tar shampoo such as, Denorex or Polytar. After shampooing, always rinse the scalp throughly with warm water.

-If u have normal hair, treat dandruff by brushing, washing with simple shampoo and then applying an aspirin rinse, made by dissolving six aspirin tablets in a cup of warm water. The rinse should be poured over the hair, worked into the scalp, and left on for 15min before rinsing. Once the dandruff disappears, you can return to a normal program of hair care.
-For hair that has been bleached/permed, dandruff should be treated by first brushing, then shampooing with a protein, acid-balanced shampoo. Follow this with a mild dandruff shampoo that contains zinc pyrithione, and then rinse and apply a low-pH conditioner with protein.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


MIGRAINE HEADACHES (Vascular headaches):
Rather starting its introduction, i would like to post it's treatment plans
There are 3 approaches to the medical treatment of Migraines;
are taken daily to prevent the headaches. These include,
-low doses of beta blockers (propranolol)
-calcium channel blockers (verapamil/diltiazem)
-tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline/doxepin)
-anticonvulsants (valproic acid)

-herbal medications
-nutrition therapy

The best approach is to identify and then avoid as much possible factors that trigger migraines. Often, adopting a lifestyle that provides adequate rest, regular exercise, and a meal schedule that prevents getting overly hungry goes a long way toward averting them. A strategy that can abort a migraine during the prodrome period is to take asprin/ibuprofen wd caffeine (cola or cup of strong coffee) then lie down in a quiet, darkened room.


(Adhesive capsulitis):
The condition called frozen shoulder begins as a slight pain and progresses to severe discomfort, which becomes worse when the shoulder is moved.
Eventually, the shoulder stiffens to the point that it cannot be moved at all.
This disorder is not well understood, but it typically starts with a minor injury that leads to inflammation. The normal responce is not to move the painfull joint, thus allowing adhesions, constricting bands of tissue, to form. Adhesions make it even more difficult and painfull to move the shoulder, and a vicious cycle develops. Eventually, the capsule lining the shoulder joint shrinks cz of scar tissue resulting from the adhesions.

Aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAID's, cortisone etc.

ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES: Chiropractic, Hydrotherapy, Massage, Osteopathy etc.


ACNE: (Acne vulgaris) our most common skin disorder, is characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and cysts. Nearly everyone is afflicted at some time in life, but acne is particularly common in teenagers. The hormonal changes of puberty enlarge the skin's Sebaceous glands, increasing their output of an oily substance called sebum. A bulidup of sebum mixed with bacteria, dead skin cells, and other debris clogs pores, leading to one or more forms of acne. Birth control pills are sometime a triggering factor.

TREATMENTS: For mild to moderate acne, treatment typically starts with a 2.5% or 5% strength of BENZOYL PEROXIDE.
Dry agents such as SALICYCLIC ACID, ALCOHOL, & SODIUM THIOSULFATE, may be combined with it or used alone.
A topical antibiotic, ERYTHROMYCIN or CLINDAMYCIN cream is prescribed for persistent acne.
Others are,

-In a normal hair folicle, the sebaceous gland produces sebum, which reaches the skin surface through a pore
-An open comedone, or blackhead, forms when sebum combines with skin pigment (not dirt) to block the pore
-A closed comedone, or whitehead, appears when blockage develops below the surface of the skin. Bacteria thrive in this environment, helping to promote acne eruptions.
-As pressure builds, a large, infected cyst can form, resulting in the most severe type of acne.

Always avoid picking or squeezing pimples as this spreads the infection and can cause scarring.
Keep skin clean, but avoid harsh scrubbing and over washing, acne is not caused by dirty skin and you can't wash it away. Cleanse once or twice a day with a mild, unscented soap. If ur skin is very oily, try a drying soap that contains BENZOYL PEROXIDE. Use warm water and ur fingertips (not a wash cloth or scrub brush). Avoid the use of washing granules or other exfoliates, which can worsen acne by increasing skin irritation.
Periodically apply a facial masque of mud, clay (multani matti), basin to help remove oil. Use non-oily water-based makeup and sunscreen.
Diet doesn't cause acne, but in some ppl, certain foods such as those high in iodine may cause it worse (iodated salt). One at a time, eliminate foods you think affect ur acne to see if ur skin improves. Stress also doesn't cause acne but may worsen it; stress reduction techniques such as meditation may be helpfull.