All about a better healthy life....

All about a better healthy life....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


(Contusion; hematoma)
A bruise develops when blood escapes from damaged blood vessels into the surrounding tissue under the skin, usually as the result of a blow directly to the injured area. The expectaion is a black eye, which may result from a hit at the temple or forehead, as well as on the eye itself.
This happens because the blood follows a gravitational path. Bruised tissues under and around the eye are likely to swell, in some cases causing the eye to shut.
Although the skin over a bruise remains unbroken, it quickly becomes discolored, turning reddish initially, then black and blue or purple, and finally yellow or pale green, as damaged blood cells die and are reabsorbed into the blood stream.

The extent of a bruise is self-limiting, because nearby undamaged vessels contract and restrict any further blood flow to that area. Meanwhile, blood platelets collect and activate the clotting mechanism that closes off the break. Unless more serious injuries are present, most bruises will heal themselves in a week to 10 days.

there are no medical treatment for bruises as such, simple bruises are self healing. Other treatments are intake of Aspirin as it act as painkiller as well as known to disrupt the blood clotting mechanism.

Application of poultice made from the leaves of comfrey steeped in boiling water. This mixture should be cooled and applied between gauze layers to the bruises area. Key ingredient is Allantoin.
Others are, tincture of Arnica etc.

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